Reasons to Buy a Rolling Tray

 Rolling your first cigarette as a first-time rollie smoker can be pretty frustrating. We understand how hard it is because every experienced smoker has once been a newbie.


Fortunately, like all skills, you'll perfect the art with time and constant practice. The rolling tray is one tool you need to achieve a perfectly rolled cigarette.


Unless you prefer buying commercially-produced cigarettes, which often contain costly chemical additives, you need to invest in premium rolling tobacco, wraps, and rolling trays.


A rolling tray ensures you don't spill your precious blend while containing where to keep your rolling papers, so you can have everything you need nearby.


If you've decided to hand-roll your cigarettes and wondering what the best reasons for buying a rolling tray are, read to the end!

Why Use a Rolling Tray

The rolling tray is a vital roll-your-own accessory offering the following benefits:

    Makes Rolling Cigarettes Easier

One significant benefit of using the rolling tray is the ease of rolling. Since the rolling tray is created to ensure the tobacco stays in the middle of the rolling paper, you won't have to deal with your precious tobacco falling on the floor.


Simply put, it reduces wastage. You can maneuver the paper and blend to roll the cigarette. Besides helping you conserve your precious blend, you can save your rolling papers, considering it offers easy wrapping, so you won't have to deal with breaking wraps.


You might want to make your cigarettes in large quantities using premium rolling tobacco to ensure a quality smoking experience. Don't forget to keep them in a cigarette case to maintain their freshness and accessibility whenever you want a quick puff.

    Ease of Use

While we are pro-DIY, using an upside-down Frisbee or junk mail to serve as a rolling tray is suboptimal and unsanitary. Nothing beats using a rolling tray. Besides helping you roll easily so you can wrap as many cigarettes as possible under a short time frame, it also improves your smoking experience.


If you're a slow smoker and can't finish your rolled stash quickly, it'd be best to store it in a cigarette case and use it whenever you want.

    Prevents You From Spilling Tobacco

Although we've mentioned this point before, it's so important it deserves more attention. Tobacco is expensive, and a rolling tray helps prevent your costly premium rolling tobacco from spilling on the ground.


Rather than run out of your precious blends quickly because you lose some to the ground while rolling, use a rolling tray to collect back the spills and use them to wrap your next cigarette.

Final Words

If you're uninterested in smoking commercially-produced cigarettes, it's best to get all the necessary accessories for a great roll-your-own experience, including wraps, premium rolling tobacco, lighters, and a rolling tray.


Besides saving time, rolling trays help you to keep your precious blend by preventing it from falling to the floor. Rolling trays are inexpensive and come in various styles. Therefore, take your time to choose one that best suits your needs.


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