Types of Rolling Papers: Identifying the Right Choice for You

Today, the world of tobacco and marijuana rolling papers boasts a variety of unique brands and products, but finding a suitable brand or paper option can be challenging. Rolling a joint is a necessary skill for every smoker, and it’s natural to get confused when searching for the best rolling paper with so many options.

Interestingly, choosing the right paper for you isn’t difficult once you understand your smoking style and smoking pleasure expectations. Do you wish to enjoy your smoke for long? Do you want a paper that doesn’t taint the tobacco’s original taste? Do you prefer straight joints or a cone?

Questions like these and other similar ones are what you should consider answering to narrow your rolling paper options. The bottom line is that the best paper for you is dependent on your style and preferences.  

As you decide on a rolling paper brand, consider the type of papers they make. Not all rolling paper brands make all paper types. However, you can consider OCB rolling papers for quality rolling paper options.

That said, here are the common types of rolling papers:

Natural Hemp Papers

If you are a marijuana smoker, hemp is an ideal rolling paper option for you, and you’re essentially covering your cannabis with a cannabis wrap with hemp papers. Hemp papers are also suitable for tobacco smokers due to their ease of rolling, taste, and sturdiness.

Hemp papers are a more sustainable choice of smoking papers, and many beginners tend to choose these papers over standard papers because of their characteristics. 

Many smokers looking to change their rolling paper choice often transition from wood-pulp papers to hemp papers.

If you’re looking to transition too, consider OCB rolling papers for your organic hemp rolling papers. 

Rice Rolling Papers

Selecting rice papers is like choosing the professional level in a joint rolling game. Essentially, rice papers are thinner and more delicate – meaning they require skills and practice to master how to roll them. But once you master the art, get ready for finesse and smooth joint-smoking.

Despite the difficulty of rolling, many smokers still select the rice papers because they don’t outpace the tobacco or marijuana burn and ensure you enjoy a clean and complete flavor profile.

Perhaps you seek a longer and quality smoking session, enjoying all the goodness your joint offers, rice papers are the perfect pick, and you can get them from a high-class brand like OCB rolling papers

Ultra-thin Rolling Papers

If you are an expert at manipulating thin papers, ultra-thin papers are the next big challenge. Many rolling paper brands make this paper type from various materials, but the common goal is to reduce the amount of paper you use when smoking. 

Ultra-thin papers limit combustion rate, enforce cleaner hits, and produce less ash. However, these papers are more delicate to handle. There’s a higher risk of tearing when rolling ultra-thin smoking papers, but with practice, you’ll have no problem with ultra-thin papers. 


A good rolling paper can influence the quality of your joint and your overall smoking experience, and choosing a suitable one may be challenging if you don’t understand your smoking style and preference. 

Before you pick a rolling paper, consider its features. If they match your smoking style, that’s most likely the perfect rolling paper to choose. 


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