A Gentleman's Guide to Picking the Best Pipe Tobacco
Starting as a new pipe smoker is an adventure worthy of your time and devotion. As a gentleman wishing to explore the best pipe tobaccos out there, we recommend starting with aromatic blends. Then with time, you can progress towards appreciating the various pipe tobaccos available in smoke stores. However, one best way to discover what works for you is to get a sample of mild aromatics from your local pipe store or order from any online smoke store like Smoker's Outlet. That way, you explore their taste and aromas to choose what's best for your pipe smoking palate. These samplers usually contain five to seven tins of tobacco with diverse tastes, aromas, and blends. When you're done with aromatic tobacco sampler packs, consider getting one bag of each major pipe tobacco type mentioned below. Note that these are natural tobacco except for Cavendish which is simply a tobacco curing process. Burley Burley tobacco is famous for blending pipe tobaccos. While technica...